Thursday, July 30, 2009

Coming home, coming home.

When I woke up this morning it was
7AM in Paris
12AM in Chicago
10PM in Phoenix.

When my flight left CDG, it was
12PM in Paris
5AM in Chicago
3AM in Phoenix.

When I landed at O'Hare, it was
10PM in Paris
3PM in Chicago
1PM in Phoenix.

When my flight leaves O'Hare it will be
2AM in Paris
7PM in Chicago
5PM in Phoenix


when I get in to Skyharbor it will be
6AM in Paris
11PM in Chicago
9PM in Phoenix.

Basically, today is the longest day ever.

Hello, USA. Goodbye, blog.

1 comment:

  1. LOL! I love that about travelling. Mesmerizing stuff.
